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Troika Cafe Rules

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Welcome to the Troika Cafe! We’re a friendly forum for collectors and admirers of Troika ceramics and pottery from around the world. Our members are diverse in terms of geographic location, age, interests, and experience. We all enjoy showing off our collection and seeing that of others, and are happy to share what knowledge we have and to learn from others. Membership is open to anyone who shares our love of all things Troika, and is willing to make positive contributions to the Troika Cafe.

Following are the Rules of the Troika Cafe:

1. The Troika Cafe is committed in all areas to providing an environment that is free from harassment. Harassment based upon race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability/handicap condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, veterans status, political affiliation, or other any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated.

2. The watchwords of the Troika Cafe are civil, respectful and objective discussions. Contentiousness and rude behavior, including name calling, will not be tolerated. Postings that are illegal, obscene, abusive, harassing, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, vulgar, infringing of intellectual property rights or otherwise objectionable material of any kind are not allowed and will be removed without notice. Should you see a post that you think doesn't comply with Troika Cafe rules, click on the "Report Post" button found below each post to notify the Moderators and Administrators of the forum. Please visit our FAQ area for more information. Issues regarding the operation of this site may be reported in the Troika Cafe Office area.

3. Each person may have only one username - that is, you may register only once. Multiple registrations for existing members will be removed without notice. Every person is required as a condition of membership of the Troika Cafe to have a fully-functional email address at all times. Temporary, false or disposable email addresses are not permitted and will result in deletion of the user account. Members who wish to change their username should contact a member of the Administrator team and advise of the desired new username.

4. Images or videos displayed (embedded) in posts on the Troika Cafe must belong to the member; or, permission must have been granted by the owner, and the post must indicate this. Providing a link to any image or video not taken by the member is allowed. The inclusion of link to any video or website does not imply endorsement by the Troika Cafe and the Troika Cafe is not responsible for third party content made available through its website. Use of any such linked video or web site is at the user's own risk.

5. Postings or links to sites which violate any applicable local, state, national or international law under contractual or fiduciary relationship (such as information from nondisclosure agreements) is prohibited and will be removed without warning or notice.

6. Threads that advocate or imply violating End User Licensing Agreements (EULA’s) or other rules are not allowed. Likewise, do not upload, post or otherwise make available or engage in solicitation of illegal copies of software or any content that infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party. This includes content that is protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity, or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights to such or have received all necessary consents.

7. The Troika Cafe does not allow advertisements for commercial purposes. Content that contains political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of "spam" is prohibited. Repeat offenses shall result in the member being banned.

8. Content that consists of or contains software viruses, or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment is not allowed.

9. Soliciting of money or votes for contests either here or on other websites, even for worthy causes, is not permitted.

10. Threads or posts of a political or religious nature are not allowed and will be removed without notice. If you add a signature to your posts please ensure it is not political, ethnic, religious or controversial.

11. No text or images containing adult themes, linked or otherwise, will be permitted. Images which are sexually explicit are not allowed. Nude photographs are not allowed.

12. The Troika Cafe does not provide or support the provision of legal advice. The laws of the many jurisdictions represented by the membership vary widely on the legal issues raised in questions and the answers that may follow. Members should seek authorized counsel for questions in their respective jurisdiction and not rely solely on the general viewpoints expressed here.

13. Please keep the number of images in a post to a reasonable number of 8 to 10, which includes smileys, and alert potential viewers in the post title if a large number of images is included. Limit each image to 1024 pixels on the long side and no more than 500KB in size. That way, everybody can enjoy fast loading pages. Excessively large image files will be edited to links. Duplicate threads are not allowed.

14. Access to the Marketplace forum requires membership of at least 30 days with a minimum of at least 25 meaningful posts. There are no exceptions to this policy. Please read the Marketplace Rules for more information.

15. The decisions of the Moderators and Administrators are final and members who openly challenge administrative decisions are subject to suspension or banning. Discussing any action taken by the Moderator/Administrative team in any of public forums is not allowed. Publicly discussing banned/suspended members is also not allowed. Please feel free to contact a Moderator or Administrator via private conversation with any concerns. We use a team judgment regarding all decisions.

16. By accessing this webpage, you are agreeing to be bound by the Troika Cafe’s Terms of Service and all applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to remove, move or edit posts and threads that don't conform to community standards without notice, and to suspend the privileges of any participant who refuses to comply.

17. The information on this site is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the Troika Cafe in the future. The Troika Cafe assumes no liability or responsibility in regard to system performance, availability, data protection, or reliability. By using the Troika Cafe you release the Troika Cafe from any liability or loss of, or damage to, or errors in, data, information, images, posts, member records, member status or any information you post, upload or which pertains to you.

18. Material posted on this website is the property of the Troika Cafe; however, no images are stored on the Troika Cafe server, and all copyright privileges remain with the owner. A member may request deactivation of the user account, but all posted content will remain to ensure continuity of the content discussion.

In addition to the rules mentioned above, the FAQ area has tips for navigating the forum, managing your conversations, and other useful information.

Please remember, a team of moderators and administrators, all of whom are fellow enthusiasts, works to keep the Troika Cafe operating as smoothly as possible. Feel free to contact any of us.
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